Carbon Footprint

  • 2021-02-23

    【Do Green through drinking Vodka — #Air Co.】

    Air Co. is an NYC-based startup devoted to addressing climate change with its innovative technology🌪️. They developed the technology that transforms carbon dioxide captured from the air and turns it into pure ethanol for the vodka🍾. It's carbon-negative with indisputable impact.

  • 2021-02-16

    【Zero-emission Flights — #Airbus】

    Although we could not travel to other countries this year🥲, the aviation industry is still pursuing dreams of zero-emission flights✈️. #Airbus launched the ZEROe concept aircraft which could serve by 2035😎. It relies on hydrogen as a primary power source – a zero-emission fuel burned with oxygen is likely to be a solution for aerospace and many other industries to meet their climate-neutral targets⛳.

  • 2021-02-09

    【Reselling Unsold Clothes through the Concept of Relabelling — #Rename 】​

    On-demand production👘 is not the only way to solve the problem of overproduction. A Japanese company #FINE launched the brand #Rename which resells unsold clothes through the concept of relabelling🏷️​

  • 2021-02-05

    【Using IoT and Real-time Data Analytics to Climate Change — #BlueSkyEnergyTechnology】

    喺香港有6成嘅碳排放都係嚟自建築物嘅用電量🏭,所以節能減碳都係緩解氣候變化好重要嘅一環⚡。上星期六Climate InnoAction Webinar 其中一位嘉賓Christina創立嘅 Blue Sky Energy Technology 就通過使用物聯網傳感器(IoT),同即時數據分析,激勵大家從意識行為上節能🔌

  • 2021-02-02

    【Make Change Happen, Make Green Common — #GreenMonday 】

    Last Saturday, we invited Alvin Lee, PR Manager from #GreenMonday🥒, to share how they tackle climate change with their innovative business🤯 during the Climate InnoAction Webinar.

  • 2021-01-27

    【Creating Zero-waste Possibilities — #BottLess】​

    You may know what BottLess is If you attended our human library before. With innovative and pioneering strategies🤔, BottLess opens the path for corporates to embrace sustainability, fostering micro-behavioral change in the public and creating zero-waste possibilities for our next generation.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦​

  • 2021-01-23

    【Green Startup — Eco-Greenergy】

    ☕Coffee shops are everywhere in Hong Kong. You may drink cups of coffee every day. Do you know the spent coffee grounds actually have a multitude of uses🪴?​

  • 2021-01-21

    【Low Carbon & Local Tour — V’air Hong Kong】

    During the epidemic, we have extra time to explore the beauty of Hong Kong 🏞. V'air Hong Kong is an environmental education organization initiated by young people in 2015 to promote local & low carbon tourism which is a potential solution to reduce large emissions of aviation⛽️

  • 2020-12-26

    【Sustainable Fashion Brand — #Unspun】​

    Hong Kong dispose 390 tonnes of waste textiles every day🧶, many of them are new unsold clothes👚. Every product we use consumes fossil fuels🛢️ and may hinder sustainable development. Could we solve these problems by starting a green business?🌳​
