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Award Arrangement

Climate Action Ideation Award

Winning teams in the Idea Stage League will be awarded HK$120,000 each to prototype or implement the climate change solutions. The project duration covered by the award should be between six and twelve months. Other award-related terms can be referred to the information book by clicking HERE.

The award would be allocated to winners in two phases:

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    First Instalment

    HK$100,000 will be issued after the teams submit their budget plans, documents outlining and setting project milestones, and a signed agreement.
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    Final Instalment

    HK$20,000 will be issued after the final report and the company factsheet are received and approved by the Organizer. If necessary, the Organizer may request awardees to submit additional documents for review.

Climate Action Acceleration Award

Winning teams in the Scale-Up Stage League will be awarded HK$180,000 each to accelerate the growth of their start-ups and facilitate project implementation on combating climate change. The project duration covered by the award should be between twelve and eighteen months. Other award-related terms can be referred to the information book by clicking HERE.

The award would be allocation to the winners in two phases:

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    First Instalment

    HK$120,000 will be issued after the teams submitted their budget plan, documents outlining and setting project milestones, and a signed agreement.
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    Final Instalment

    HK$60,000 will be issued after the final report and company factsheet are received and approved by the Organizer. If necessary, the Organizer may request awardees to submit additional documents for review.